07. May 2017
The Mekong River is the twelfth longest river in the world, flowing from China through Myanmar, Laos, Thailand, Cambodia and finally ending in Vietnam. Thus, six countries and over fifty million people depend upon the Mekong for their existence and in no country is this dependence so profound as in Vietnam. The water of the Mekong expands in a network of small streams and rivers interspersed with small settlements, villages and floating markets. The Mekong Delta, the region in southwestern...
22. April 2017
Travelling is the act of going from one place to another. The daily commute doesn’t generally count as travel. But if your daily commute reaches a considerable distance you probably could count it as travel. According to a scientific study of the UK’s Office of National Statistics, commuters are less satisfied with life, have a lower sense that their daily activities are worthwhile, are less happy and have higher anxiety than those who don't commute. While traveling or commuting, people...